RIS Agency Management System by WebRiver

From concept to completion, an advanced web application with unparalleled sophistication and flexibility.

WebRiver has recently completed an advanced web application for Recreation Insurance Specialists (RIS). The RIS Agency Management System provides unparalleled customization and control for RIS in the day-to-day management of insurance customers and their insurance quote requests, quotes, and policy activities.

WebRiver developed the initial functional schematics/wire-frames and application architecture, and then translated that into a smooth and intuitive web design, providing an easy and intelligent user interface.

Our development team then took the schematics and design and built the application. The RIS AMS application is based on a platform of Microsoft .NET (4.0) and Microsoft SQL Server (2012). It is an advanced and modern web application utilizing the latest .NET capabilities and features, customized interactive data grids, CSS3, HTML 5, and jQuery libraries.

The application will be hosted on an internal platform, however it can also be easily hosted in cloud based platforms such as Azure.

View more details about this web application here.